Frequently Asked Questions
Q: How do I pay for my pictures and what methods of payment are accepted?
A: You can either pay on Picture Day or you can prepay for your portraits online! On Picture Day you may pay with cash (exact change only) or personal check made payable to Kaiser Studio. For your security, we only accept credit card payments online through our secure website. Click here to prepay for your pictures, using the School ID Code found on the school picture order form that was sent home from school.
Q: What happens if I over pay for my order?
A: Photographers cannot make change at the camera. If you did not have exact change and sent too much cash in your envelope, you must call or email customer service ( to request a refund check to be mailed to your home.

Q: Picture Day was today and I forgot to order! Is it too late to order now?
A: If your school’s Picture Day was today, you still are able to order a package using the School ID Code found on your school picture flyer. Visit our Order Pictures page and click on the “Order Pictures Here” link. The prepay link is active for 3 days after Picture Day. Your picture package will arrive at the school approximately 3-4 weeks after Picture Day, once our lab has processed your school’s pictures.
Q: Can I order more pictures after the packages have been sent to the school?
A: Yes! Your child will receive an insert with an Access code within 3-4 weeks of Picture Day. The package insert will include a preview of your child’s photo and a unique Access Code. Visit our Order Pictures page and click the Order Pictures link. You will be asked to enter your student’s Access Code and then you will be directed to our online price list, which offers prints and other specialty items. You will be charged a shipping and handling fee and the order will be shipped directly to your home within 10 business days.

Q: What do I do if I received an incorrect or incomplete picture package?
A: We’re sorry that happened! Fill out the Order Corrections form on our Contact page to have your package corrected and mailed directly to your home. Be sure to provide a telephone number, email and complete address so our Customer Service Department can contact you if we have any questions.
Q: When is Retake Day and how does it work?
A: Retake Day is usually scheduled about 5-6 weeks after the original Picture Day. Contact your school to find out the date and time of your Retake Day. If you would like your student to be rephotographed, return their original portraits to the photographer on Retake Day and we will retake their photo and print you a new package. If a student was absent on original Picture Day they will be photographed on Retake Day and can order pictures at that time.
Q: Can I return my portrait package?
A: If you are not satisfied with your portraits, mail your package back to Kaiser Studio within 30 days. Include a parent’s name, address and phone number. A refund check will be mailed to your home within 14 days.
Q: Can I choose my own background color?
A: Kaiser Studio is pleased to offer a wide variety of FREE background colors that you may pick from for your portraits. Samples of the backgrounds we offer can be found on the School Pictures page. If you do not select a background, your portraits will be printed with traditional blue, Background #1. Kaiser Studio offers more than 100 additional back grounds when you order online.
Over 100 More Online!

Q: Can I view my child’s image before I order it?
A: You are not able to view your child’s image for preorders. After the picture packages are delivered to your school, we upload all of the photographs onto our online ordering website. Your child will receive an insert with an Access Code within 3-4 weeks of Picture Day. When you enter this code on our Order Pictures page, you will be able to view your image and preview different background choices before you purchase. If you choose to wait to order your pictures, you will not have the same package selection that was on the school picture day flyer. You will order from ala carte pricing and must pay $6 to have the photos shipped to your home or picked up at our studio in Troy at no charge.
Q: What should I wear for Picture Day?
A: Wear something that makes you or your student look good and feel great! Solid colors and subtle patterns work better than bold patterns and stripes. Choose something to compliment the background you selected. For Senior Portraits, we have compiled a list of Session Tips may be helpful.
Q: I ordered a Class Picture and/or Yearbook. When will I receive it?
A: If your school offers Class Pictures and/or Yearbooks in their picture packages, they will be delivered to the school closer to the end of the school year. Class Pictures usually arrive in the Winter and yearbooks come in the Spring. Please check with your school for more information on the delivery time of these items.
Home shipping is available and orders are shipped out the day the school distribute. Home shipping does not mean early delivery.
Q: Can I order a class picture or yearbook after Picture Day?
A: If your school offers them, class Pictures and Yearbooks may be ordered through our Customer Service department after Picture Day. Yearbooks are delivered to the school closer to the end of the school year.

Q: What do the Sport Products look like?
A: Visit our Sports & Events page to view samples and descriptions of our most popular sport products.
Q: Do all student athletes get photographed on Sport Picture Day?
A: Only online prepay, envelope orders and those students that think their parents will want them to take one get photographed.
Q: Do all students get photographed on Fun Day?
A: Only online prepay, envelope orders and those students that think their parents will want them to take one get photographed.